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Gettin Hyped For That Ride

We researched great, free spinning classes and tools online. Here's what we found to get you started on the spin bikes we now offer.

Winters can be long but the summers in MN can be hot too. Not everyone can get a fat bike and sometimes it's not seething you want to be on every day. For this reason getting an in home spin bike is wonderful. You can get a quick in and out workout with out too much fuss.

In effort to find fun and engaging spin classes for myself I researched this mainly on Youtube and here is what I found.

Music/ Theme

Not all teachers suit your personality but it definitely helps if they offer varying rides with themes and music to keep you energized. Who wants to work out to the same songs and videos every day? Not me! The best instructors offer options like a Reggae Ride, A Pop Ride, Rock N Roll, 80's, etc... Additionally sometimes the theme is more centered around the type of ride like "Heavy Hills", "Beginner", "HIIT", etc..


Most of the teachers I found engaging also offer different time lengths to their workout offerings online.

Options like a 20 minute, 30 minute, 45 minute, and a full hour.

Option to Construct your Own Workout

No you cannot make a special request on what you'd like to work on today via YouTube, but the really great classes I found had workouts segmented.

So if I did a 20 minute spin class that was heavy hills right after they let me know they have a strength or cool down adn stretching video I can do right after with a link to that if I had time. This allows you to really target what you have time for on different days without feeling like you bailed on a class because you only had a little bit of time.

This format also very close mimics what Peloton would offer but you don't have to pay the $$$ for it.

Here are my go to's for Spinning on Youtube

Kaleigh Cohen Cycling

Gabriella Guevara

FSY Fitness

If you are looking for a great Spin / training bike check out this one Jonny Rock offer currently.

Sunlite F5 Training Indoor Cycle. Adjustable resistance bicycle for Spinning TM

  • 42lb Flywheel and heat treated axle

  • Heavy-duty oversize frame for reduced flex

  • Fully adjustable design

  • Self leveling pedals with toe straps

Add on a iPad / Phone holder with this option here

Thank you for checking out Jonny Rock Bikes. We hope to see you in one of our stores or have the opportunity to fulfill and order for you through our online store.


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