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Beat the Winter Woes with Indoor Cycling

The craze of indoor cycling ramps up more and more every year with new products since Peloton came on the market and provided a refined experience for workout aholics or places to do "spinning" classes started integrating special lighting to induce chakras during your cycling experience. As our lives get busier and busier how do we find the time to get the release and reach fitness goals we need to and not spend thousands more? Or train for that triathlon we want to compete in next year?

We found these apps and programs and think it's a great option for the avid cyclist or beginning rider. With these you can use with any smart trainer or standard trainer with power meter, and hook it to a bike you already own.

Allows you to train or ride with the touch of a pc, laptop, phone or iPad and the use of a trainer. It implies use with many how to videos so even the most new rider can figure it out.

The visuals are enticing and keep you going. If you want to expand your training to running you can do that with a compatible pod you get from the company as well.

Also a very easy to use app and helpful web site to get started. Complete with a list of equipment that outlines exactly the brands and items needed to build the perfect in home and stable trainer with the bike you have. See the head coach of Trainer Road Chad Timmerman talk about training itself here.

Is probably the least expensive option and is basically a plug and play app likely more for the rider that enjoys the workout and maybe doesn't care to race so much. Nice clean looking platform and easy to use. Great ratings on Google Play also.

2500 Available workouts and augmented reality you can really get your train process moving.

Join real time group rides and structured workouts or create your own.

Check out the trainers Jonny Rock Bikes has available or for order for use with any of these apps. For more health benefits on cycling check out

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